Sunday, April 11, 2010

God Of War Series and Button Mashing

I think we are all aware of the God Of War series and it's hack-n-slash game play. A lot of people love the carnage and chaos that goes on in that game, and a lot of people really don't care for it. I actually really enjoy this series (from I-III) and the story behind the character of Kratos. I also enjoy the hack-n-slash game play. I go in there and hack it up all day. Something that really gets to me though, is people accusing this game (and others like it) of being a straight up button mashers. If you share that opinion, SHUT UP and don't talk to me about it. These games are button mashers if you just feel like picking up the controller and running through the game on the easiest of modes and difficulties. I really disagree with these types of games being called button mashers because people like me know what they are doing while they are playing. I know most of the combo's, I familiarize myself with the controls of the game, and I know what I am trying to do when I am doing it! I also play the hardest difficulties first. For the most part, especially in GOW, I feel like button mashing just won't cut it when you play on the harder difficulties.

So, next time you pick up a hack-n-slash, try playing the harder difficulties first. If you succeed while button mashing your ass off the whole time, let me know. I would like to hear about it then and only then.