Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sports What If???

I was discussing with my friend, Ryan, what we think Lebron wants to do once he becomes a free agent after this season. We both think that Miami would be a great place for him to go. Wade says that they are friends, they talk on the phone occasionally, and whenever a Heat/Cavaliers game comes up, everyone knows it is an "anything you can do, I can do better" competition!

Lebron has decided to change his number after this season from 23 to 6. He says it is because he wants to show respect for MJ, and 6 is the number he wore while he played in high school. My friend thinks that Lebron also wants to change his number to 6 because he cannot wear 23 in Miami. It is retired out of respect for MJ. If this is true, then it would make sense for Lebron not to say that when it comes to the number change. He doesn't want to talk to the media about his decision for next season.

So just imagine for a second, whether you are a fan of either team or not, how would this move be?...FREAKIN' AMAZING! They play on the same all-star team every year. They won Olympic gold together. Why not win championships in the NBA on the same team every year? I feel like playing on all these different teams can mean that they have enough chemistry together that it wouldn't take long at all for the duo of Wade+Lebron to take off. Right now, the Heat are very inconsistent. Even so, the combination of these two all-stars would make the work for the rest of the players easier. Plus, when they go on a streak of great games, like they are on right now, they would be virtually unbeatable!

For Lebron, this is nothing other than a win win situation. He gets to live in the great city of Miami, play in Miami, and play with D-Wade. What else does an NBA player need?...

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